stethoscope and phone

A GP receptionist can help identify which member of the practice team is best for your needs by asking a few simple questions. Patients do not always need to see a Doctor as we have Advanced Nurse Practitioners, a Mental Health Nurse, Pharmacist and a Community Link Worker all attached to the practice. This video explains the role of the receptionist and highlights the wider healthcare team.

GP Practice capacity is finite ( limited in size). If patient demand exceeds capacity, the practice can prioritise care for patients with the greatest need. Unfortunately, not every patient can be seen when they wish. We may also direct emergency and urgent problems to other Health Board services including NHS 111, A&E and the Scottish Ambulance Service.

Please be considerate to our staff, they are only doing their job under instruction from the GPs. Please do not use threatening language, don’t lose your temper and don’t shout and swear. Abusive behaviour causes mental and physical harm to our staff, leading to time off work and further demands on our ability to supply services. We will not tolerate abuse of our staff and will remove patients from our practice list for any form of abuse.


Main Switchboard:      01294 463838